




“How to Attract Anything You Want,

into Your Life, Be it New Car, Home, Job

Lover or a Pile of Cash in The Bank”


For centuries people have used the hidden power of their minds to achieve wealth,

success, love and peace of mind. Instead of relying on luck or fate to bring them what

they want, they rely on ancient occult secrets – secrets which enable them to turn

failure into success, poverty into wealth, lovelessness into love and stress into peace of mind. These people are among the most successful and powerful in modern society.

And now you can join them!


We are pleased to announce to you our exclusive home study course, which is designed to introduce you to the Secrets of the occult! This unique course, which consists of no less than eleven powerful lessons, reveals all you need to know about the mysteries of modern magic.


Contrary to popular opinion, you don’t need any special gifts or abilities to make occultism work for you. In fact all you need is an open mind, access to the ancient secrets and willingness to give them a try. Furthermore, you shouldn’t think that occultism is dangerous or difficult. Our unique home study course will show you very quickly that occultism is both safe and very simple – when you know how!


The secrets of the Occult home study course assumes that you have no previous knowledge of the subject and leads you step by step-by-step to an excellent understanding of the most important ancient secrets. These secrets can help you to totally transform your life if you use them wisely. To give you a taste of what lies in store, here are just a few of the things you will learn…


·      The Four Basic Laws which are central to practical occultism and which guarantee

,,,,,success if they are used properly.

·      How changing the way you think can change the reality you experience in everyday


·      How to speak “magic words” for love, money, success or anything else you desire.

·      How to leave your body and explore the spiritual worlds by using a technique

,,,,,known as “astral projection”.

·      How to predict what the future has in store for you – with amazing accuracy!

·      How to interpret the symbolism of your dreams and “decode” these messages from

,,,,,higher planes.

·      How to take control of your life with Candle magic.

·      How to make and use a Magical Talisman.

·      The secrets of Forbidden Magic such as voodoo, Sex Magic and other dark




Don’t I need a special “gift” to be successful in the occult?


Again, this is a facility which Hollywood is keen to keep alive for the sake of box office

sales. In the real world, no “gifts” are necessary to succeed. Every human being has within him a natural spiritual capability which he can learn to develop and use in order to deliberately change his life for the better. The secrets of the Occult home study course is an invaluable aid in developing the natural power which you already possess.


Will I need any special tools or equipment to make the course work for me?


The Secrets of the Occult home study course is designed to be as simple to follow as possible. Whilst some techniques do call for the use of simple household items such as a candle or a pair of dice, most of the secrets require nothing more than your own mind. Having said that, if you wish to obtain professional supplies then you will be pleased to learn that we give full details of companies which can help you in the very first lessons of the course.


Is occultism dangerous?


Occultism is much like water. It is neither good or bad in and of itself, but it can be used for both good and bad purposes. It can either quench thirst or drown a man, depending how it is employed. The secrets of the Occult course is meant to be used in a positive manner to help you change life for the better.


I like the sound of the course, but I figure that such powerful information must be very costly? What are your fees?


The knowledge we share of The Occult home study course is highly valuable. If we desired we could easily charge students £100 per lesson, or even more, and this would still be a bargain. Having said that, our fees are amazingly low and you can become a student for just £5.95 per lesson.



Have no doubt about it – our Secrets of the Occult home study course leaves no stone unturned in its aim to present to you with nothing but the best and most useful information. Silly superstitions are laid bare and in their place we bring you some of what we believe to be the most powerful magical rites and secrets ever revealed!


This unique home study course is not for the feint-hearted. We don’t spend great deal of time talking about “right and wrong” or “morals” or “higher purposes”. We simply reveal practices and secrets which a select group of people have used for centuries to bring them everything they ever wanted.


What you do with this amazing information is entirely up to you. You can simply think about the secrets or you can use them for yourself – and start benefiting from the power of the occult in your life! Just imagine what this could mean…


Imagine being able to speak the word and have a complete stranger do whatever you command – without question…


Imagine being able to perform a simple candle magic ritual to improve the amount of luck in your life…


Imagine being able to predict the future…and what you might be able to do with such rare information…


Imagine having the power of occultism on your side – helping you to succeed and get whatever you want in world!


Such things may sound a little too ambitious to you right now, but once you start discovering the Secrets of the Occult you will soon realise that nothing is impossible for the person who has access to ancient knowledge.


Before we go any further, perhaps now would be a good time to answer some of the most common questions which prospective students often have when considering the course. The answers which follow might apply to questions which you too asking yourself at this very moment. . .


Isn’t occultism all about dancing naked and sticking pins in wax dolls?


Not at all, although that is what much of the media would like you to believe. People who practice occultism are just as regular as the next person. They wear regular clothes, have regular friends and generally just enjoy life like anyone else. The only thing which sets them apart is the fact that they use their latent supernatural abilities to make life as enjoyable and beneficial as possible.


So what is occultism?


The word “occult” simply means “that which is hidden”. Occultism therefore generally refers to knowledge and secrets which are usually hidden from the masses. As far as our course is concerned, the occult is any little-known method, technique or formula which relies on the mystical power of the mind and spirit to bring benefits to its user.



In addition, we are happy to let you study the first lesson of the course without paying a single penny! Simply enrol as a student and you will be sent lesson one absolutely free! If you like the course then you will automatically be sent subsequent lessons at £5.95 each. You will receive a FREE ring binder with lesson two-eleven to store all your 11 lessons.


If, for any reason, you do not wish to continue with your study, you can simply write directly to us to cancel your payment instructions and your enrolment will be cancelled immediately. This arrangement ensures that everyone has the opportunity to find out first hand what the Secrets of the Occult home study course is about without risking a penny!


So there you have it. We have said all we can and now you stand at a cross-roads in your life. Will you continue going along the same route you were on before you started reading this report, or will you enrol as a student of the Secrets of the Occult home study course and start using the ancient knowledge to help obtain whatever you want out of life? The choice is entirely yours.


I look forward to welcoming you as a student.


Best wishes,


Abraham Riley


Secrets of The Occult


P.S. REMEMBER you have nothing to lose and everything to gain. Just Lesson 1, which is entirely free for you to study at your leisure, is packed with information which could genuinely change your life.







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